1. Satisfy Satisfaction is one of the most important factor of the selling. When you will be able to find out the need then you will try to satisfy your customer through your speech and product or service. When the satisfaction of the customer will fulfill customer will buy your product.
2. Capture the attention of your potential customer. This can take the form of entertainment, information, focus groups, etc. Listen to what your audience needs/wants, and respond accordingly.
3. Listen. That doesn't mean you respond to every need just because it is stated. You need you manage your accounts not have your accounts manage you . That will make you a simple order taker.
4. Convince your audience you have what they need. Based on the information gathered in step 1, you should be able to fit what you are selling into their needs and show them their success by using what you are selling. If you can't do this, then find a different product/service to sell, or find a different audience. Forcing the issue will only lead to your poor reputation on their part, and frustration on yours.
5. Cajole. Never forget to bargain. If there is a profit to be had, go for it! It never hurt anybody to speak up for themselves, so cajole away!
6. Close. Once you have your audience believing the information you have presented, you need to give them the simple steps to close the deal. If this means purchasing on the spot, allow them a few clear choices so they feel in control of the situation. This could often be payment methods, or purchasing options.
7. Cover. Make your hard-earned sale work for you. Present your success to others and propagate the feeling and the emotion into generating more sales and improving your sales image.
8. Cycle. Repeat Steps 1-4 to continue the cycle.
9. Cease. Once you have generated your desired sales, remember to end your sales cycle with a positive exit. Make other salesmen happy and your buyers satisfied.
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