1. Adopt resource (human, equipment, time and financial) management techniques. (league)
2. Know how to read and write requirements specifications.
3. Write project plans.
4. Be capable of using groupware, such as email (or blogs and wikis).
5. Use problem refining techniques to reduce type III errors.
6. Use PERT and GANTT charts. (league)
7. Adjust project plans accordingly when the initial scope shifts.
8. Pool for Resources when deadlines are in jeopardy.
9. Be able to communicate with all organizations involved in the project.
10. Know how to develop a risk management plan.
11. Conduct Financial Management.
- Reflect on your own work in projects to identify some of the most important things you did.
- Constantly provide updates to the PM so they are aware of any issues regarding my assigned task that can impact other functional points in the project.
- Be careful not to "micromanage" team members; this stifles creativity and hinders motivation. Keep a pulse on the progress of the various project functions at timed intervals that are reasonable and allow team members the freedom to work productively.
- Allow the experts on your team to elaborate on their area of expertise. This will allow them to earn credit for their hard work and save you from ridicule.
- Define what a project is and its life cycle.
- Recognize the various roles needed to successfully carry out a project plan.
- Write a project plan that includes action steps and a work breakdown structure.
- Construct a network diagram and its sequence to schedule and finalize a project plan.
- Solve a project plan for a possible contingency.
- Develop metrics to assess and evaluate a project's success.
- Identify techniques to communicate project needs with the clients successfully.
- Determine how to appropriately respond to project challenges that address time, quality and cost.
- Use various tools and templates for managing a project.
- Clearly identify customer satisfaction (CSAT) criteria for a project.
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