Carter Mobil

carter mobil

Entrepreneur Qualities and Characteristics

Principles – these are our personal subset of the laws of the land, nature and science, theology and mathematics. Each of these subjects has their truths and laws; what we believe to be true and accepted in our own lives are our personal principles. Issues like the speed limit on the road, parking restrictions and tax laws. What you adopt and follow, builds up to what gives you direction.

Values – values on the other hand are those small yet significant set of things that we adopt from our family, peers and schools when we are young, abandon  when single and reaffirm once married. Little things like table manners, saying thank you and please and hugs, kisses or just handshakes. These are our values, our river banks, the stronger they are the less likely we are to flood when the rain comes. And the rain does come. The true strength of our values comes in how fast we recover from their failure in our lives rather than our legalistic approach to conformity.

We also tend to judge and perceive others based on our own values and principles. We are fast to point finger at others who violate our own values, not stopping for a second to understand who or why they are before judging.

As Entrepreneurs we need to understand our values and work with others with similar value sets. We will never work well with someone who thinks it’s ok not to pay tax and swear if we are regimental loyal to the tax man and get shivers each time we hear the F word.

Take a moment to consider your values and then write them down and communicate these to other around you.

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